• Stock items (=green dot!): NEXT-DAY shipping!
  • WORLDWIDE shipping!
  • Stock items (=green dot!): NEXT-DAY shipping!
  • WORLDWIDE shipping!

Online mediation

The EU Commission provides a platform for out-of-court dispute resolution. This gives consumers the opportunity to settle disputes in connection with their online orders initially out of court. The dispute resolution platform can be found here: https://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/

Our e-mail for consumer complaints is: solve-problems-together@freutoy.com

We participate in janoFair. janoFair is an alternative to consumer arbitration boards accepted by the government. If we cannot settle differences of opinion based on our contractual relationship amicably, janoFair's free dispute resolution procedure is available to you. The statute of limitations for any claims does not apply for the duration of this process. If we cannot reach an agreement via janoFair either, legal recourse is still available.